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With the Right Tool, Everyone Can Craft! More thoughts on “adaptive” crafting for people of all abilities.

January 26, 2012

“Crafting“ as a form of therapy is not a new idea. Using “creative media” is a wonderful way to help people express and heal themselves. Focusing on one particular media - YARN (my specialty) is a wonderful, yet frequently overlooked, creative medium that can be used in helping persons of all abilities and/special needs explore one’s ability to express and challenge themselves. For me, yarn gives one the power to express oneself in unique and concrete ways. It stimulates multiple senses as it is tactical, visual and even fragrant. It is soothing and forgiving. While being “basic” in form and nature, yarn offers infinite possibilities of uses and outcomes. I have frequently addressed teaching knitting, crocheting and other fiber arts to persons with special needs or unique challenges, which is an area of great interest to me. I have found sharing my love of these crafts with others very rewarding and am always looking for methods to show people of all abilities that they too can create with this wonderful medium. The goal is that other people will find a hobby that will bring them joy in their lives by developing the skills needed for recreational activities. Can anyone learn...


Tags: crochet, special needs, yarn

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Cure for Winter Blues? Tea Tasting.

January 3, 2012

After a long holiday break, today was my first day back to “commando” teaching at one of the many venues I am fortunate to be welcome. Much like a “commando”, I pack up all the supplies I can carry and I am off to wherever the cry for yarn calls me. When I finally sat down to prepare the lesson plan for my first class, I was still feeling the effects of the holiday "bloat" from overindulgence and craft exhaustion from the final December push to make as many gifts as I could. Of course, I had eaten too much and knitted too little. So feeling bloated and exhausted, I came to the conclusion that I needed a little craft break to rest my hands and revitalize my psyche. . . And if I was suffering from "to much merry" overload, everyone else in the group might be too and maybe they need a break as well. So what’s a crafter to do to beat the after-holiday/winter blues malaise? As the new year ushers in and winter gets ready to put the freeze on us, I suddenly became inspired by the Japanese “tea ceremony”. This ritual is truly glorious in...

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