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Chakra Meditation: A Moment for Self-reflection

November 3, 2013

Focusing on the chakras (vital energy centers) in the body during meditation is thought to open, clear, align, balance and harmonize these energy centers and bring about healing, wellness and many other health benefits.  Chakra meditation can be performed in different ways but, basically, it a ruminative and self-reflective process, often requiring long and thoughtful observation of the self.   A list of seven main chakras and their focus:


Muladhara Chakra (aka root, base or earth chakra) deals with survival and is blocked by fear


✿✿ Svadhisthana Chakra (aka sacral or water chakra) deals with pleasure and is blocked by guilt


✿✿✿ Manipura Chakra (aka solar plexus or fire chakra) deals with will power and is blocked by shame


✿✿✿✿ Anahata Chakra (aka heart chakra) deals with love and is blocked by grief


✿✿✿✿✿ Vishuddha Chakra (aka throat or sound chakra) deals with truth and is blocked by lies


✿✿✿✿✿✿ Ajna Chakra (aka third eye or light chakra) deals with insight and is blocked by illusion


✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ Sahaswara Chakra (aka crown chakra) deals with pure cosmic energy and is blocked by attachment


The Guided Meditation:

First we will open the...


Tags: chakras, meditation, self-reflection

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