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Sitting with a twist! Meditating with individuals with developmental differences and other special needs...

November 5, 2013

We all have different strengths and weaknesses which bring us to different places in

interests, attention, understanding and motivation.   For some people with special needs, they can have great challenges with communication, comprehension and focus.  But that does not

mean that they cannot be mindful, meditate or gain benefits from meditation methods.  When exploring meditation with individuals with very involved special needs, focus the goal on establishing a mindful connection between each other.  As a meditation teacher or leader, seek a moment of mindful interaction between teacher and pupil.  By doing this, so much will be learned by both parties.


When working with individual with challenged verbal and attending skills, I only seek to create a moment in which we connect and communicate on a personal level.   For starters, I reduce unnecessary  stimuli, perhaps using a clear table, soft lighting and soft, relaxing instrumental music (if at all). 


Then, I use simple pictures or visual aids to bring about easier interaction and connection.  I may present pictures of people smiling, sitting, or breathing.  The pictures should be easy to understand and effectively convey a mood or emotional state....


Tags: developmental disabilities, meditation, mindfulness, special needs

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